Micro Enterprise Project

Micro Enterprise Project (MEP) can support you to start your own small business which is aligned with your own passions, skills and situation.

If you would like to talk about how to get started

You will meet and learn from enterprise owners in the videos below, or in links to other articles, news clips and podcasts where their stories have been shared.

black headphones on a yellow background
“While paperwork can be annoying at the best of times, Adelaide resident Emily West has made paper work for her.” ABC Adelaide interviewed Emily and her family and put together a story about the conception of her Micro Enterprise business “Shred-Em, and how it lead to a partnership with Zoos […]

Micro enterprise in the media…

close up of hands holding pencil and writing object
The  micro enterprise process Discovery: Identify your skills, passions and available resources Exploration: Craft product ideas and design your business model Creation: Launch your business, test products and refine Maintenance: Monitor your business success and adjust it as needed. Watch a video that explains this step by step process. An […]

Discovery, Exploration, Creation, Maintenance