Being the Bridge to Neighbourhood – Guide and Workbooks


The workbook and guidebook will be useful to you if:
You are a person who identifies as living with a disability or mental illness and you want to know more about the benefits of being part of neighbourhood, what it is, and how bridges can help.

You are a loved one, friend, family member, or neighbour of someone and you want to know more about the important role you play to be the bridge.

You are a support worker, coordinator, or community worker who wants to learn more about the benefits and barriers facing people connecting to neighbourhood, and what you can do to help.

Being the Bridge to Neighbourhood Guidebook

A Guidebook to help you think about your role as a ‘bridge’ to neighbourhood (PDF, 12.5MB)

From page 5: What is “Being the Bridge?”

Many people who identify as living with a disability want to meet new people, learn new skills, and share what they are good at, but they feel ‘shut out’ from their neighbourhoods.

By being the bridge you can help a person you know overcome some of the barriers stopping them from engaging with their neighbourhood.

Being the ‘bridge’ means helping people you know to build more relationships and a sense of belonging in their local neighbourhood.

Support workers, friends, family, members of Circles of Support and neighbours have an important role in helping people who identify as living with a disability or mental illness connect to people and things in neighbourhood.

In this Guidebook, we talk about some of the barriers people face in connecting to their neighbourhood and explain why having a friend, support worker, ally or neighbour who understands their role as ‘the bridge’ is so important.

How to Be the Bridge to Neighbourhood Workbook

A Workbook to help you work through ‘how’ to do bridge building in neighbourhoods (printable PDF, 7.7MB)

A Workbook to help you work through ‘how’ to do bridge building in neighbourhoods (fillable PDF, 5.5MB)

From Page 7: STEP 1: Personal Profile

A personal profile is an activity that you and your neighbourhood bridge builder do together to explore who you are. If you have already done a personal profile, then you don’t need a new one, but make sure you share and go
through what you have with your bridge builder!

This is where you are supported to write down or just talk about all of your different interests, skills, and strengths. This is important to learn more about who you are, what you like or dislike, what you are good at, and who is in your life- try to mainly think about your unpaid relationships.

This will help you think about the right places to explore, the different roles that can be filled, and the meaningful contributions that you can make to your neighbourhood.

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