Annual report 2023-2024
This year CLP celebrates 40 years of operation. Throughout the
pages of this report you’ll see us reflecting on the past as we
look to the future, guided by a steadfast mission and values.

Annual report 2022-2023
On behalf of the Board and CLP team, I welcome new families who joined us this year and sincerely thank the many families who continue to show confidence in us. We are inspired by families to continually seek improvements to the support we provide.

Annual report 2021-2022
It is with a sense of optimism and renewal that I share my 2022 report with you. As we emerge from the shadow of the pandemic, while acknowledging its ongoing presence, we are looking forward to a brighter period in the life of the people we support, their families and the organisation.

Annual report 2020-2021
Our experience of 2020-2021 has continued to be dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic. While we have been largely protected from the full impact of the virus in SA, restrictions on travel and connecting with loved ones, and the uncertainty of changing restrictions, has shaped our lives.

Annual report 2019-2020
After a number of years of planning and transition, CLP has now settled into the new world of NDIS, focused on delivering our Mission ‘to assist people with disability to live their own unique and purposeful life of inclusion through having: home, relationships, competencies and highly valued roles in their community’, and doing it our way, one person and family at a time.

CLP Highlights 2018-2019
During 2019, CLP’s focus has remained strongly on offering support and connection for people with disability, alongside their family members, to build good lives as valued and contributing citizens in their local community.

Annual report 2017-2018
This year has seen our major focus on supporting CLP people and families to transition successfully to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The intensive pre-planning work undertaken with each person and their family has helped NDIS planners to better understand the vision and goals that each person holds for their life, and for many, their subsequent plan accurately reflects these. For a small number of people, a request for a review is unfortunately necessary, and we are doing all we can to support and advocate for them through this process.