Feedback and complaints
Our commitment
Sometimes you may be unhappy with CLP or a worker, or you may want to comment on what is working well.
We will listen to you.
We will talk about options.
Download the CLP feedback form
What should you do?
If you have a worry and want to tell us about it, we have some steps for you to follow.
It can help to write a list of what you want to tell us.
You can follow the steps listed below. Some people will not want to do this in this order.
That’s ok.
The most important thing is to get the problem out in the open and sorted out.
- Talk about the problem with someone you trust. This may be your family, a friend, your Support Worker, or your Coordinator;
- Talk directly to the person or Worker involved; or
- Talk with your Community Living Facilitator to work out what to do next; or
- Talk with CLP’s Executive Officer (Chris Myer on 8384 7866) who will help you to work out what can be done; or
- If you still aren’t happy then Chris will help you contact the Board of CLP either by phone or to write a letter. Someone independent will help you through this.
- If you still aren’t happy then you can talk to one of the groups listed at the bottom of this page.
How will speaking up change things for me?
- you will be heard
- you can find out what happened
- you can change how you’re treated in the future
- your complaint can make a difference for you and others.
What happens next?
We will respond to you straight way and keep in touch about what we are doing next.
You can contact us by phone, letter, email or in person.
All ideas raised will be private and taken seriously. You will not be disadvantaged by telling us what you think.
Confidentiality & privacy
We respect individual privacy and will do our best to ensure confidentiality is maintained.
All communication and information will be treated as confidential.
Who else can I talk to?
We encourage you to raise any comments directly with us first.
Everyone has the right to be protected from abuse. If you are being abused, you must tell someone immediately, and/or report it to the Police (000) or to other government organisations.
Government organizations
NDIS Quality and Safeguard Commission
Telephone : 1800 035 544 (free call from landline)
TTY 133 677 NRS:1800 035 544
Health & Community Services Complaint Commissioner (HCSCC) Enquiry service
Telephone: 8226 8666 Toll free (country SA):1800 232 007
TTY users phone: 133 677 then ask for 8226 8666
Australian Disability Services Abuse and Neglect Hotline
Telephone: 1800 880 052
TTY: 1800 301 130 NRS: 1800 555 677 TIS(interpreter):13 14 50
Who else can I talk to?
Independent Advocacy S.A. Inc.
Telephone: 8232 6200
Family Advocacy Inc.
Telephone: 8340 4450
Disability Advocacy & Complaints Services of SA (DACSSA)
Telephone: (08) 8297 3500