Assist people with disability to live their own unique and purposeful life of inclusion through having: home, relationships, competencies and highly valued roles in their community.



For more than 30 years, the Community Living Project has worked in close partnership with families to build opportunities for a good life for their family member who is living with a disability. Community Living Project focuses on building inclusion. To us, this means that everyone matters and all people are welcomed, included and contributing to community life. Read more about family leadership.

We work with one person at a time to craft individualised support in a way that ensures each person (and their family) has as much control as possible over all aspects of their life. Read more about self-directed support.

We believe all people should have the opportunity to pursue a unique lifestyle that is personally meaningful, relevant and typically intertwined in their community. We will not offer you a generic ‘program’, ‘vacancy’ or ‘place’. Instead, we will help you to craft your participation and inclusion in the community. Read more about Circles of Support and Micro Enterprise as examples.


We believe people with disability should belong to and participate in community life. This means their interests are best served when they are supported to grow up in a family, go to their local school, participate in community activities with their peers, have a home of their own, maintain strong relationships with family and friends, work and participate in community life and have their rights as citizens protected.

People with disability are highly vulnerable to being excluded from ordinary community life. This happens through segregated experiences, which deprive people of opportunities to have the rich range of relationships and experiences that most people take for granted, and congregated activities that stifle opportunities for the individual to be included in everyday life.

People with disability flourish when enabled to make decisions for themselves, or when supported by their family and close friends to make decisions about their lives.

Watch the video illustrating our vision and values.