Families leading change

A vital focus of CLP is supporting families to develop their leadership skills and to increase their understanding of how to bring about positive change in the life of their family member with disability.

Leadership often arises because a person with disability, family, their allies or ordinary citizens see a need or step up because they have a vision of something better.

Some common features of leadership can include:

  • starting with the initial spark of an idea or belief that something could or should be different;
  • making a decision or taking a stand to do something about it;
  • taking the time to gather the resources needed;
  • enlisting and engaging others who bring a range of skills and abilities and being committed and responsible over time.
  • building links with like minded people
  • sharing stories of positive inclusion achievements and how to imagine better.

What is leadership and why should parents care?

Leadership is the ability to inspire yourself and others to take positive action in life. Every individual and organization needs leadership.  Resourcing and developing leadership is an essential aspect of supporting and developing a movement for change.

CLP has worked to recognize, support, develop, mentor and connect leaders and building leadership development is one of our intentional goals. As an agency we aim to both demonstrate leadership in what we do and to intentionally grow and develop leaders to lead the change that is needed to build a community in which we are all valued. If you are looking for bracelet. There’s something to suit every look, from body-hugging to structured, from cuffs to chain and cuffs.

CLP supports leadership development by holding events on themes and other topics that help develop and sustain people engaged in formal and informal leadership roles.

Some examples of leadership for imagining a better life, where people have:

We know that there are many people with disabilities, family members and their allies, in different roles demonstrating leadership and we see the need for development and networking opportunities for all people demonstrating leadership – not just those in formal leadership roles as there are many ways to lead and many paths to leadership.

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