Choosing a Service Provider

The team at Western Australia’s Individualised Services (WAiS) have produced a fantastic resource called Choosing a Service Provider. It is not a list of service providers. It is a guide to help you to decide what is right for you. It takes you through the steps to get ready and ask the questions you need to compare services and feel confident you are making a good choice. It is written in easy English.

The book has been created with the input and advice of people who have experience finding and changing services to meet their needs.

It’s a big book covering many areas. You might want to look at the contents and go to a specific area and print that section, or download it to a device to read online.

It covers everything, from home to work, sport and recreation and safety. And it also has sections covering tricky areas, such as sexuality and intimacy, spirituality and positive behaviour support.

Go to WAiS website to download the Choosing a Service Provider book.

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