Home – part of the CLP vision and mission

CLP helps each person with disability work towards their dream for home, bringing a sense of security, independence and pride.
The video is 5 minutes long. https://youtu.be/mZUokv9VIZ4
How Tom moved into his own apartment

Helen talks about the timing and steps her family took to support Tom to step into the highly socially valued roles of homeowner and housemate.
She starts with a list outlining “what we knew”:
- We are not here forever
- If we didn’t make plans someone else would
- There was support we could access
- This was a typical life stage
The video goes for 33 minutes. https://youtu.be/yKnuVoiGL7Q
Opening Homes – Accessibility

Opening homes openinghomes.org.au is a showcase of accessible homes with the goal that “the more people know about the myriad of accessible housing options available, the better positioned they are to choose what’s best for them.”
Jocelynne shared her home with Opening Homes to demonstrate the technology that enables her to keep safe, independent, and to thrive, including running a micro enterprise.
The video is 3 minutes long. https://vimeo.com/225201589